Bread of Life: Rediscovering Our Hunger

Bread of Life: Rediscovering Our Hunger

By Pastor Jeff Hoisington

Have you ever noticed how your appetite changes over time? Maybe there was a food you loved as a child, but now you can’t stand the thought of eating it. I know I have. When I was a kid, I loved green olives. My grandparents would set them out during the holidays, and I would eat them by the handful. But today? You couldn’t pay me to eat one without making a face.

I also used to love seafood—steamed lobster and clams with drawn butter. It was a favorite. But now, even the smell turns me away. Somewhere along the way, my appetite changed. The things I once craved became things I no longer desired.

And isn’t that how it works with our spiritual appetite, too?

There are seasons in life when we hunger for the things of God—when time in His Word, prayer, and worship feel like necessities, not just habits. But there are also seasons when our appetite shifts, and instead of craving His presence, we start filling ourselves with other things—distractions, entertainment, even things that pull us away from Him.

What Are You Producing?

The thing about our appetite is that it determines what we produce. If we’re consuming the things of this world—jealousy, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, lust—then that’s what will overflow from our lives. But if we’re feeding on the Bread of Life, then our lives will produce fruit like grace, love, forgiveness, and peace.

Jesus gives us a powerful picture of this in John 15:5-7:

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

Just like a branch can’t survive if it’s disconnected from the vine, we can’t thrive if we aren’t connected to Jesus. He is our source of strength, purpose, and life. The more we remain in Him—spending time in His presence and allowing His Word to shape us—the more our lives will reflect Him.

But when we drift, it’s noticeable. I know for me, if I go a few days without spending time in God’s Word, my attitude shifts. My patience runs thinner, my speech becomes harsher, and my perspective turns more worldly. My wife is usually the first to notice and call me out on it. And she’s right—because the less time I spend with Jesus, the more my appetite shifts away from Him.

The Bread That Truly Satisfies

Jesus said in John 6:35-40:

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”

What we hunger for determines the direction of our lives. If we are constantly searching for satisfaction in temporary things—success, approval, comfort—we’ll always end up hungry again. But Jesus promises that when we come to Him, we will never hunger or thirst. He alone provides the nourishment our souls need.

This means that everything we try to use to fill our lives—whether it’s financial security, career advancement, relationships, or even good things like family and community—will never be enough if Jesus isn’t our primary source. The world offers temporary satisfaction, but it fades quickly. Like eating a meal that fills us for a moment but leaves us hungry again in a few hours, worldly pursuits will always leave us searching for more.

But Jesus is different. He is not just another source of nourishment—He is the source. When we turn to Him, He satisfies in a way that nothing else can. His love sustains us when we feel empty. His truth fills us when we are lost. His grace covers us when we fall short. He doesn’t just give us sustenance—He becomes our sustenance.

When we embrace Him as the Bread of Life, we no longer live in a cycle of never-ending hunger for something more. Instead, we rest in the security that He is enough. We don’t have to chase after things to prove our worth or seek approval to feel valued. In Him, we are fully known, fully loved, and fully satisfied.

Getting Our Hunger Back

So how do we get our spiritual hunger back? How do we shift our appetite back to the Bread of Life?

  • Spend time in His Word daily. Even if it’s just a few verses, let His truth fill you before the distractions of the world do.
  • Make time for prayer. Not just asking for things, but truly sitting in His presence, listening, and surrendering.
  • Worship intentionally. Worship isn’t just for Sundays. Whether through music, gratitude, or quiet reflection, take time to lift your heart to Him.
  • Ask Him to renew your hunger. If you’ve been feeling spiritually dry, ask God to stir your heart again for His presence.

Jesus tells us in John 16:33:

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

No matter what challenges we face, when we stay connected to Jesus, we are filled with the peace and strength we need to keep going. We don’t have to fight our battles alone—He has already won the victory for us.

A Call to Action

Today, I want to challenge you: Don’t settle for a life of spiritual starvation. Don’t be content with just “getting by” when Jesus is offering you abundant life.

Take a moment right now. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask God to stir up a fresh hunger for Him. Let Him fill you with the nourishment your soul has been craving.

Read more about abiding in His presence here.

Are you ready to make room for the Bread of Life again?

Drop a comment below and share how you plan to reconnect with Jesus this week. Let’s encourage each other as we grow together!


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Krysti Hoisington