Faith and Prayer: Trusting God in Every Season
Faith and Prayer: Trusting God in Every Season By Pastor Jeff Hoisington Faith and prayer are two of the most important aspects of a believer’s walk with God. Faith is trusting in God even when we can’t see the outcome, and prayer is how we communicate with Him. Yet, many of us struggle with faith…
The Fear of the Lord: The Gateway to Wisdom and Relationship
What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord? What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “the fear of the Lord”? For many, fear brings negative emotions—anxiety, dread, or the thought of punishment. When I was younger, I misunderstood what it meant to fear God. I saw Him as a distant ruler, watching…
Bread of Life: Rediscovering Our Hunger
Bread of Life: Rediscovering Our Hunger By Pastor Jeff Hoisington Have you ever noticed how your appetite changes over time? Maybe there was a food you loved as a child, but now you can’t stand the thought of eating it. I know I have. When I was a kid, I loved green olives. My grandparents…
The Secret Place: Dwelling in God’s Promises and Protection
In the heart of the ancient temple was the Holy of Holies, a place so sacred that only the high priest could enter—and only once a year on the Day of Atonement. It was the dwelling place of God’s presence, guarded by strict rituals and a thick veil that symbolized the separation between God and…
Living as Light: Embracing God’s Call to Transformation
A Gentle Invitation As believers, we’re called to be living as light, stepping away from old habits and fully embracing the transformation God has for us. It’s not just about what we leave behind—it’s about stepping into the abundant life that Jesus has made possible. This message began when my wife shared a Scripture from…
Abiding in His Presence
Abiding in His Presence: Finding Peace, Strength, and Purpose In a world filled with noise and distractions, the concept of abiding in God’s presence can feel elusive. Yet, it’s a beautiful and life-transforming invitation from Jesus Himself: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it…
The Joy of the Lord
The Joy of the Lord: Your Unshakable Strength In life, we all face moments when joy feels elusive. Circumstances overwhelm us, and we’re left wondering how to move forward. Yet, as believers, we’re reminded in Scripture that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). This truth is not just a comforting idea—it’s…
Finding Peace this Holiday Season
The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but for many, it can also bring stress, grief, and anxiety. Whether it’s the pressure to meet expectations, financial concerns, or feelings of loneliness, the challenges of the season can feel overwhelming. Finding peace this holiday season may feel difficult, but it’s not impossible. Here’s…
Fruitful Faith: Abiding In the Vine
As followers of Christ, we often ask ourselves how to stay on the narrow path that leads to life. The answer lies in diligently seeking God, receiving His gift of grace, and allowing that grace to transform our hearts. God isn’t interested in outward obedience for its own sake; He desires genuine heart transformation. When…