A Gentle Invitation
As believers, we’re called to be living as light, stepping away from old habits and fully embracing the transformation God has for us. It’s not just about what we leave behind—it’s about stepping into the abundant life that Jesus has made possible.
This message began when my wife shared a Scripture from Ephesians that deeply resonated with her heart. At first, I brushed it aside, thinking I already had a plan. But when I finally read it, the words leapt off the page. It became clear that God was speaking not just to me, but to us as a church family about what it truly means to be living as light.
A Dream and a Lesson
Recently, I’ve been attending a prophetic dreams class led by Lee and Teresa, where I’ve been learning how God speaks through dreams. (You can join us too—details are in the Church Center App!) One dream in particular stuck with me.
In the dream, I was smoking a cigarette—something I quit long ago. I didn’t understand why this would appear until God revealed its meaning: I was holding onto unforgiveness from my past. I thought I had moved on, but deep down, I was still carrying the weight of those wounds.
When I chose to forgive, it was as though a light turned on in a darkroom, exposing and erasing the hurt that had lingered in the shadows. It was a powerful reminder that living as light means letting God expose and heal the hidden areas of our hearts, allowing His freedom to take hold.
Step 1: Letting Go of the Old Life
Key Verse:
“Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their minds are full of darkness… They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.” (Ephesians 4:17-19)
Paul paints a vivid picture of what it means to live apart from God—empty, dark, and directionless. Without Him, we:
- Wander aimlessly: Life feels like being lost at sea with no compass.
- Harden our hearts: Rejecting God makes us numb to sin.
- Get trapped in sin: Selfish desires drive our choices, leaving us unfulfilled.
But stepping into God’s light means leaving behind the confusion of our old ways. Living as light requires a daily commitment to reject what no longer serves God and to embrace His clarity and purpose.
Step 2: Renewing Your Mind in Christ
Key Verse:
“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” (Ephesians 4:20-24)
This is where true transformation happens. Paul reminds us that saying “yes” to Jesus isn’t just about a single moment—it’s about stepping into a lifelong journey of renewal.
Here’s how we can align ourselves with God’s call:
- Throw Off the Old Nature: Let go of habits and thoughts that don’t honor God.
- Let the Spirit Renew Your Mind: Allow the Holy Spirit to reshape your perspectives.
- Put On the New Nature: Embrace your identity as a child of God, created to reflect His righteousness and holiness.
Transformation starts internally, in the quiet places of our minds and hearts. When we live as light, God’s truth becomes the foundation for our decisions, attitudes, and actions.
Step 3: Reflecting Christ in Relationships
Key Verse:
“Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:25-32)
Living as light doesn’t just transform us—it transforms how we interact with others. Paul’s words give us a clear roadmap for reflecting Christ’s love:
- Speak Truthfully: Build trust and unity with honesty.
- Control Anger: Don’t let anger take root or lead to division.
- Build Others Up: Use your words to encourage and uplift.
- Forgive Freely: Reflect Christ’s unconditional forgiveness in all your relationships.
Imagine your words and actions as seeds. When we plant seeds of kindness, grace, and forgiveness, we cultivate relationships that shine with God’s love. Living as light means choosing every day to model Christ’s character in how we treat one another. To explore more about how abiding in Christ helps us bear fruit in our relationships, read our post Fruitful Faith: Abiding in the Vine.
A Prayerful Pause
Take a moment to reflect: What might God be asking you to surrender today? Is there an area of your life where the old ways linger? Or maybe there’s someone you need to forgive, a wound you’ve been holding onto.
Living as light requires courage, but God’s grace empowers us to let go, renew, and shine.
Let’s pray:
Father, thank You for calling us to be living as light. Help us to leave behind what no longer honors You, renew our hearts and minds, and reflect Your love in every relationship. Thank You for the freedom You offer us through Jesus. Transform us, Lord, so that we may walk as children of light. Amen.
Living as light is a daily decision—a commitment to let God’s love guide us, shape us, and use us. This week, ask Him to reveal the areas where His light can shine even brighter through you.